Our Mission: Food, Shelter, Clothing, Healthcare, Education

Project List

Qurban 2022

In the month of Hajj, ICCCT distributes Qurban meat to the poor, destitute and the needy in Sri Lanka. We distributed meat to 17,400 families since 2005.

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ICCCT is in the process of developing an orphanage for the needy. We have acquired 12 acres of land & plan to accommodate around 1,000 children.

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Sponsor a Child

The contribution could be only for a year or it could be continued, if you wish, thereafter until the child is settled in marriage or in employment.

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Qurban (Meat Distribution)

In the month of Hajj, ICCCT distributes Qurban meat to the poor, destitute and the needy in Sri Lanka. We distributed meat to 17,400 families since 2005.

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