This Eid-ul-Fitr (July 2014), the International Centre for Children Charitable Trust (ICCCT) are taking the orphans festival to a new level following on from the success at Eid-ul-Adha last year!
The ICCCT is a global network of local communities to help provide necessities of life to disadvantaged orphans in Sri Lanka and is a registered charity in New Zealand and Sri Lanka. The organisation was set up in response to the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami, where 30,000 people of whom 50% were Muslims, died.
An idea to give festival clothing as gifts to the 300 orphans sponsored by ICCCT sparked after intense meetings that took place to discuss the issue of rising living costs and inability to meet the ever growing economical demands placed on the livelihood of orphans, currently living in Sri Lanka.

Our beloved prophet (sal) said “I and the custodian of an orphan are like this (together) in Paradise”, and he joined his forefinger and middle finger together”. [Al-Bukhari]
Nearly 200 tickets were sold last year to raise funds for the orphan’s Eid clothes, with each ticket entitling the purchaser a family Biriyani pack with yoghurt salad. Due to the success and the happiness it created for the children, our volunteers are back doing it all over again this year!
For just $35 a ticket, your family can enjoy a take-away meal and also know that this purchase went straight towards gifting the orphans Eid clothes.
Donations are being collected separately to cover the cost of ingredients. The family pack will be available for pick up at Chef’s Halal Fried Chicken on Sunday 24th August.
The ICCCT team, will be at the Eden Park park stall hoping to catch the many generous donors again this Eid! The cost of the project will be fully recovered through generous contributions again in sha Allah, and all ticket collections will go directly towards the orphan gifts.
The orphaned boys will receive jubbas and caps and the girls will receive beautiful abayas with your generosity.

Abu Huraira (ral) narrated that a man came to prophet complaining about being hard hearted, so prophet Muhammad (sal) advised him: “Tap on the heads of orphans, and feed the needy one.” (Ahmad)
Help us to submit to Allah’s words in the Qura’n “Have you seen him who denies religion? That is he who repulses the orphan” (Al-Maun 107:1-2).
For more information about the orphanage visit or email us at [email protected].
Alternatively, donations can be made directly to the orphanage account on:
Account Number: 38-9007-0549566-00
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